Are you ready to


BLOOM is a 4-week magical incubator for creativity, so that you can learn how to create the things you want in your life…whether that be a book, finding a mate, or just getting the natural flow of the universe on your side!

Through a series of pattern interrups, play dates, exercises and magickal techniques, BLOOM empowers you to embrace your unique talents, igniting a journey of self-expression, and provides the freedom and flexibility for magic to occur!

We are both the artist and the art,

the magician and the spell...

The daily grind, with its repetitive habits and creeping boredom, acts as a slow suffocation of our magickal potential.

When we are locked into routine, our minds become dulled, and our creative spark flickers weakly, overshadowed by the monotony of everyday tasks.

This stifles our ability to connect with the deeper, more vibrant energies that fuel true magick. To break free and unleash our full potential, we must reclaim the power of play—a force that breathes life into our intentions and reawakens our sense of wonder.

Through play, we dissolve the chains of routine, opening ourselves to spontaneity, creativity, and the boundless possibilities that magick thrives on. It is through playful exploration that we reconnect with the flow of the universe, reigniting our magickal consciousness and allowing our true power to BLOOM!

Our transformative play dates are anything but ordinary – they are an immersive journey that educates you about magick, but also sparks your imagination, fosters creativity, fuels personal growth and ignites your magick! Get ready for a joyous adventure that delves into the depths of your soul and leaves you with transformative insights.

But that's not all – our play dates are interactive and engaging, providing a one-of-a-kind experience that combines learning, self-discovery, and pure playfulness.

Say goodbye to boredom and hello to a world of endless possibilities!

Unlock your creative potential and embrace a life of magic and meaning as you embark on this extraordinary journey of personal transformation. Laughter and excitement are guaranteed, making every step of the way a memorable and enriching experience.

So, what are you waiting for?

Join us for these captivating play dates and get ready to dive into a realm of wonder, growth, boundless fun and magick. Your next adventure awaits!



Time for enchantment and self-discovery

Step into a week of enchantment and self-discovery with the 'Practical Magic.' This transformative journey invites you to explore practical magic, and harnessing its power to manifest your desires and overcome creative barriers.

Throughout the week, you'll delve into magical timing, create personalized sigils, and engage in tarot therapy for unlocking your creative potential.

Embrace the magic within, cultivate intention, and unlock your inner alchemist in this enchanting journey of self-exploration.

Go beyond an illusion

The 'Discover Your Inner Icon Week' is a captivating journey chaos magick, self-exploration and personal transformation.

This challenge invites individuals to delve into the lives, values, and traits of their chosen icons, reflecting on the similarities and differences between themselves and their selected persona.

Ultimately, the 'Discover Your Inner Icon Challenge' promises personal growth, enhanced self-awareness, and a deeper connection with the icons who inspire

Experience profound synchronicities, meaningful signs from the Universe

Experience the land of the extraordinary, where the fabric of reality shimmers with infinite possibilities.

It's all about rediscovering our creativity, adapting to change, and finding new perspectives in the most unexpected places.

Through disruption, we'll unlock new levels of creativity and self-discovery while forging connections with our fellow participants. Get ready to laugh, learn, and revel in the extraordinary, because this week promises to be an adventure like no other!

Harness the creative source of the universe

In this class, we’ll unlock the secrets of the universe’s underlying mechanics, where every action you take sends out ripples that shape your reality. By understanding how these forces operate, you’ll learn to set powerful events in motion with seemingly small, intentional acts.

Imagine turning every intention into a boomerang of amplified force, delivering results beyond what you initially put out into the world. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped to navigate and influence these universal currents, mastering the art of creating waves of transformative energy that elevate not just your life, but the world around you.

Vanese Mc Neill

Mischief Maven

(but also...Documentary Producer, Researcher Blogger and Podcaster)

Welcome, my darling kindred soul!

Vanese here, a seeker of mystique and enchantment, giving you the warmest of greetings. I'm a podcaster, a blogger, and the producer of the Magical Egypt Series, and I've got a ticket to a wondrous creative journey with your name on it.

In the depths of my soul, there's a fire burnin' with an unyielding passion for exploring the hidden dimensions of existence. That's the very spark that fuels my creative pursuits and infuses my moments with a touch of magic.

Believe me, each and every one of us has boundless potential waiting to burst forth like a shooting star. With my work, I'm here to guide you on a transformative path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Let that creativity inside you bloom like a celestial blossom.

So, with hearts wide open and minds a'buzzin', let's embrace this journey of wonder together. Unlock the magic that dwells within, and let that creativity of yours flow like the gentle river's current. Welcome to the realm of Bloom, where the possibilities stretch as far as the stars in the sky.

Yours in endless curiosity and creative exploration,


What people are saying...

A transformative journey...

"Bloom has been a transformative journey that allowed me to reconnect with my creative essence. Through the expert guidance and soulful exploration, I broke free from self-doubt and unleashed my creative potential. The support and community provided by Bloom have been invaluable, and I am forever grateful for the inspiration and growth it has brought into my life." - Sarah M.

The best decision I made....

"Joining Bloom was the best decision I made for my creative journey. The classes, like Belief Busters and Magical Timing, were eye-opening and empowered me to overcome obstacles and tap into my authentic expression. The experienced facilitators and supportive community made the experience truly magical. I now approach my creative endeavors with renewed passion, confidence, and a deep sense of purpose." - Mark T.

Space to explore and heal...

"Tarot Therapy was a profound experience within Bloom. Through the Tarot, I was able to delve into the depths of my creative psyche and discover hidden treasures. The class provided a safe and nurturing space to explore and heal. The transformative power of the teachings and the guidance of the Vanese allowed me to unlock my creative flow and trust in the divine timing of my artistic journey." - Emily S.

Much more confident in myself....

"It's so surprising how many ways our creativity has been shut down in western society. It's a shame. I'm a fiction writer (and also photography, crocheter, and apparently general artist) and have been blocked with fiction for years. I had no idea why, because it was the only creative endeavor truly encouraged by those around me...but but with only 2 weeks so far, I've already had ridiculous insights, breakthroughs, and feel so much more confident in myself as a whole, not just with my creativity."

- Alex R..

A gateway to self-discovery....

Exploring Austin Osmond Spare's techniques, I learned to create personal symbols and infuse them with intention. Vanese skillfully guided me through the process. Sigil Magick within Bloom has been helpful in unlocking my creative power and transforming my artistic path." - Natalie K.

I experienced a powerful shift ...

I experienced a powerful shift in my energy and presence. The class provided a safe and playful environment.

- Jason L.


At Bloom, we believe in the power of intimacy and individual attention. That's why our class sizes are intentionally kept small. We understand that each person's journey is unique, and we want to ensure that every participant receives the personal attention they need during our captivating play dates.


Bloom Consists of 4 Weekly Playdates

Play in October


Play in November

Play Dates in November are Thurday Evenings at 7PM EST

Due to the intimate nature of the Bloom class, seats are limited, as each session is a special 'play date.' Be sure to reserve your spot now!



  • 4 Live Play Dates
  • Detailed Materials
  • Recordings
  • Live Q&A
  • Facebook Community
  • Course Repeat

7 Day Money Back Guarantee. Unlimited Access. Cancel Anytime.


7 Day Money Back Guarantee. Unlimited Access. Cancel Anytime.

Frequently asked questions

What if it is not for me?

At Bloom, we are committed to your satisfaction and growth. We believe in the transformative power of our classes and the positive impact they can have on your creative journey. That's why we offer a satisfaction guarantee to ensure your confidence in joining our community.

Our Guarantee: If you are not fully satisfied with your experience within the first 30 days of enrolling in any of our classes, simply reach out to our support team, and we will gladly offer you a full refund, no questions asked. We want you to feel confident in exploring your creative potential and embracing the magic of Bloom.

Your creative growth and satisfaction are our top priorities. We are dedicated to providing high-quality content, expert guidance, and a supportive community that nurtures your journey. If for any reason you feel that our classes are not meeting your expectations, we are here to make it right.

We believe in the power of our transformative experiences, and we stand behind the value they bring to your creative life. Join us at Bloom, knowing that your satisfaction is guaranteed.

What if I cannot attend a Play Date live?

Don't worry – we've got you covered! All our Play Dates are thoughtfully designed with your convenience in mind, and we make sure to record every session. We believe that everyone should have access to transformative knowledge and experiences, regardless of their busy schedules or time zone constraints. That's why we offer recorded sessions that you can access at your own pace and convenience.

How do Play Dates actually work?

Each Play Date is designed to be an immersive experience, lasting approximately 2 hours, and is offered through a live Zoom call. However, we understand that life's commitments and time constraints can sometimes make it challenging to join live sessions. That's why we've got you covered with video replays!

During the first half of each Play Date, we'll kick things off with a meaningful check-in. It's an opportunity for you to share your experiences and insights from the previous week's activities. We'll celebrate your progress, discuss any challenges you encountered, and provide guidance to help you navigate your journey. This interactive session allows for open dialogue, ensuring that you receive personalized support and answers to any questions you may have.

In the second half of the Play Date, get ready for an exhilarating exploration! We'll introduce you to exciting new exercises designed to ignite your creativity and bring joy to your experience. These exercises are carefully crafted to stimulate your imagination, break through barriers, and unlock your full creative potential. Each activity is designed to be fun, engaging, and empowering, providing you with the tools and inspiration to continue your creative journey beyond the Play Date.

Whether you join us live or access the video replay, the Play Date experience remains equally enriching and transformative. We want to ensure that you have the flexibility to engage in the way that best suits your schedule and preferences. So, even if you can't make it to the live session, you'll have full access to the recorded video, allowing you to participate at a time that works best for you.

Together, let's create a dynamic and supportive community where your creative growth is nurtured, celebrated, and encouraged. Join us for our Play Dates and unleash the magic of your imagination, as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, inspiration, and playful exploration.

What is "Course Repeat"?

Did you have so much fun that you want to do it all over again? Well, now you can! We set aside a few exclusive spots each month for our previous participants to relive the experience. And if there are open spaces available, you're most welcome to join in for another full go. Come back and immerse yourself in the magic once more!





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Bloom is a fun transformative 4 week program that unlocks the hidden treasures of your creative soul. Through a series of enchanting play dates, exercises and magickal techniques, it empowers you to embrace your unique talents, igniting a journey of self-expression, self-discovery and creative ecstacy!

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